Eclipsed Aug 2017
The timing of celestial events,
like solar eclipses, are perfect
examples of the vast amount of
knowledge humans have stored
and, when the time comes,
How small we really are.
Twisting Traditions
Feb 2019
Traditional mediums can fall out
of light and, may need some
creative twisting to shine again.
Mixing methods can bring new
creations but, there will always
be an ebb and flow.
Eye Spy
Jul 2016
Perspectives can be easily changed. By a single phrase or, action. Some pathways will cross, and sparks ignite. But most will be left observered
at a safe distance.
Aug 2017
Impactful loses can harshly alter lives. It's difficult not to dwell in the darkness. Don't be consumed by lose, harness it. Allow it to swell into new growth and, bring beauty back into the world.
Dormant Growth
Nov 2018
Growing comes with hardship. The difficulty can sometimes take the luster out of it. It is important to step back and admire the beauty that hard work has created.
Consumed by Cuteness
Sept 2016
Consume, buy, purchase, acquire, reward, admire, adore, wither, and fade. Never stopping to see the nature behind it.
Win Big
Feb 2017
Untold riches await you just around the corner. Put it all on the line to Win Big!
Cluttered Cranium
Jun 2017
Worlds framed by edges of a page, offer plentiful perspectives. Bubbling on the surface of a life cycle.